Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gillen Rocks the X-Men

Uncanny X-Men #535
I enjoyed Matt Fraction's run on the Uncanny X-Men, as he really brought some -- excuse the pun -- humanity to the X-Men.  However, I'm really enjoying Kieron Gillen's take on everybody's favorite mutant team even more.  He seems to really know the characters and their personalities and even manages to interject a lot of humor into the dialogue.  He's also not all about unnecessary fight scenes. 

Two of my favorite X-Men characters of all time are Colossus and Kitty Pryde (whatever her code name may be nowadays), so I'm glad to see them so prominently featured.  (He rocks those hoodie sweatshirts and cargo shorts!)  I love the dilemma the two of them are now facing.  After years and years of being apart due to their age difference (Kitty being a minor and all), they finally consummate their relationship (see Astonishing X-Men #14) and then Kitty is rendered into an all-the-time intangible state.  The only way she can touch or be touched is when she's wearing some special suit.  That, of course, makes it difficult know..."consummate" again.  ;)  Brilliant!  The agony of not being together continues...

Seeing the wickedly hated Agent Brand in there, I thought, "Wow, she looks like Agent Diana Prince."  Then I realized...oh, it's Terry Dodson drawing (same artist who drew Wonder Woman when she was going through her Agent Diana Prince phase). 

I hope Gillen has a good, long run on UXM.  I'm looking forward to the interpersonal relationships between the characters finally being explored much more.  (And, yes, that goes double for Scott Summers and Emma Frost!)

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