Monday, June 27, 2011

Canada Takes (Alpha) Flight

Although I find it suspect that Marvel is copying DC (see: Blackest Night) by bringing back dead superheroes from the successful 1980s era, I am SO glad to see most of the original Alpha Flight team back together (where for art thou, Puck?)!  With so many unsuccessful (and, yes, just awful) incarnations over the years (see: Omega Flight), returning to the original team (when it was written and drawn by John Byrne) was the only option. 

Currently, the team is only in "maxi-series" status.  Perhaps Marvel wants to see how that goes before committing to a regular series for the team again.  (Although that didn't stop them when it came to Young Allies (canceled after six issues) or She-Hulks (canceled after four issues) recently.)  One issue into the maxi-series, I think the writing team of Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente with artist Dale Eaglesham are doing a bang-up job.  The writers really know and understand the characters and their individual personalities.  And Eaglesham does a great job of beautifully rendering each character, much like Byrne once did.   Only Marrina seems very different from her passive 1980s persona, but I guess everyone evolves.  Even sea-people.  And double kudos to bringing Northstar's boyfriend/partner into the series.  We also see hints of Aurora's multiple personalities coming back -- it's like Melrose Place all over again!  I can't wait for the team to really take "flight!"

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