Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Flashpoint Woes

I'm still in mourning over the passing of the former DC Universe to make way for the "New 52."  I've been giving the new DC comic series a try, but I'm having a difficult time pretending that everything is starting from scratch where the main Justice Leaguers don't even know one another yet!

Remember what happened when the TV show Dallas pulled that kind of shit, brought back Bobby from the dead, and said the entire past season had been only a dream of Pam's?  Viewers were pissed off, the series dropped out of the Top 10, and the show's ratings declined even further from there.  

Sure, DC's sales are skyrocketing right now out of curiosity, but how long will that last?   The only comics I've truly enjoyed are Animal Man and Aquaman.  I've probably enjoyed these the most because I haven't kept up-to-date with these two characters for over a decade and because thus far their stories have operated separately from the rest of the new DCU.  It doesn't hurt to have good writers onboard either.  But is that enough? 

Unfortunately for DC, I no longer have an emotional connection to any of my favorite characters, which makes me not care about reading about their adventures any longer (if they're even in the New 52).  So, tell me again why I should continue to put forth $100 a month to something about which I'm no longer passionate?