Thursday, September 8, 2011

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!

Wait...where's the Justice League?  Well, you won't find them in Justice League #1. 

This new series, the first of DC Comics' "New 52," only has appearances by Green Lantern, Batman, and a pre-Cyborg Victor Stone.  We see how the "new" Green Lantern and Batman meet and, as a side story, Vic Stone playing high school football.  Does this mean that Vic was never in The New Teen Titans, one of the greatest comic book series of all time?  How truly sad.

There wasn't a lot of "meat" to the highly anticipated (and sold-out) comic book, especially with a $3.99 price tag.  I sincerely hope it gets better.  Geoff Johns did a wonderful job in the past with super teams like the Teen Titans and Justice Society of America, so let's hope that he can accomplish the same with the new Justice League.  This issue, though, isn't it. 

I look forward to there actually being a Justice League in future issues and seeing more of its teammates.  At least from the cover, we can anticipate that DC decided to de-pants Wonder Woman in favor of her famous blue and white-starred bikini shorts. 


Lebeau2501 said...

This whole setup feels like Image Comics circa 1995. It's like throwing 52 comic-shaped baseballs at 5 or 6 catchers.

Catman Scratches said...

Unfortunately, a LOT (if not all) of the new DC comics will feel circa 1990s because Jim Lee is one of the top execs now of DC and he's apparently stuck in the 90s with that costume look and feel, lack of storylines, big-breasted tiny-waisted women, and men with unnaturally bulging biceps. See: his 1990s Marvel Comics run and, of course, as you stated, his 1990s Image Comics run. The sad thing is that the 1990s are when the quality of comics were on a downward slope, so why return to that dismal period?