Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Aqualad: FAIL

It seems that Aqualad just can't catch a break.  

First, there was the original Aqualad from the Teen Titans, Garth, that everyone seemed to make fun of and, basically, found useless.  In an attempt to recreate/reimagine himself, Garth became Tempest.  Unfortunately, Tempest never caught on in popularity either.  To put him (and his legion of non-fans) out of their misery, in the Blackest Night maxi-series, Garth is killed off.  

To revamp the Aqualad name and bring some diversity into the teenage superheroes of the DC Universe (besides the go-to Static), a new Aqualad appears in Brightest Day #10.  He's African-American; sports dreadlocks, a cooler costume, and tats; has better/expanded powers; and has a mystery surrounding him.  At this point, it seems like DC is really going to do something big with an Aqualad. 

Then comes DC's event series Flashpoint...and changes all DC history.  Where is Aqualad?  Is there an Aqualad?  Who knows.  He's not shown in any new issue of the new Aquaman series.  He also doesn't appear in the new Teen Titans series. 

Goodbye, Aqualad.  We hardly knew ye. 

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