Monday, September 12, 2011

Superman gets Cocky.

In reading the new Action Comics #1, written by Grant Morrison, Superman has a different past history.  Clark Kent works for a rival newspaper and isn't -- yet, anyway -- infatuated with Lois Lane.  Gone, too, is his recognizable costume.  In his spare time, he's flying around in a short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans a la Superboy (before DC's New 52).  

To be honest, I'm not sure I like the "new" Superman.  And, actually, it seems that not many people in Metropolis do.  He's more like an outlaw (like Batman at his beginnings) than a revered superhero.   He seems arrogant, cocky, and not at all Superman-like.  For him, it's more like "Truth, Justice, and My Way."

While I don't mind messing with his origins and stories a bit in this revamped DCU, you can't really mess with the Superman legacy or what he stands for.  There's just something wrong about that.  Superman had and has a good heart, was/is caring, and was/is a do-gooder, and this new version is anything but.  

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