Friday, January 6, 2012


Spider-Girl loses her short-lived solo series and Marvel throws her a bone by giving her a Spider Island-related three-issue mini-series.  Wow.  What a rotten send-off that was. 

I just read all three issues back-to-back and had to give myself spider bites just to stay awake.  Not only is New York City infested with spider-people, but now wasp-people are after the spider-people.  (Really?)  And they're called the Sisterhood of the Wasp.  (Do they also wear traveling pants?)  How about throwing in Spider-Girl partnering with the Kingpin to stop the flying insects?  Really?  Suh-weet. 

If you're at all interested in the Spider Island storyline (personally, I think the hype was better than the actual stories), be sure to pass on the snoozefest that is Spider Island Spider-Girl

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