Friday, November 5, 2010

Super, boy!

Let me start by saying that I did NOT the arrogant kid who would one day become Superboy (aka Conner Kent) when he first appeared following "The Death of Superman" storyline back in the early 90s.  He sported the then-popular surfer's cut on his head, an earring in one ear, and major attitude.  

However, since then, he has transformed into -- let's face it -- a major hunk (think Abercrombie & Fitch) who sports a T-shirt and jeans as his costume.  I got back into reading comics with Geoff Johns' stint on the Teen Titans.  After reading those issues, Superboy quickly became one of my favorite DC Comics characters.

I was sad when he "died" and excited when he finally returned from the dead a couple of years later.  He was recently given a spotlight story in the revived Adventure Comics and, as of this week, has his own monthly series again, beginning with Superboy #1.

The first issue of this new series was...well, super.  The writing by Jeff Lemire was fantastic, as was the art by Pier Gallo.  Both were simple, yet beautiful.  By simple, I mean that the story took its time.  It showed the "human" side of Conner Kent and not just fighting sequences.  The art was gorgeously drawn and colorfully inked.  The bright colors were very welcoming and created a simplicity to the story, characters, and background. 

In this issue, Conner wrestles with going to high school, tries to avoid Lori Luthor (Lex's niece), helps Ma Kent out on the farm, pals around with Krypto (who I hope is a regular!), and runs into the Parasite attacking Smallville looking for Superman.

I look forward to reading about Conner's adventures month after month and hope that this balance between his personal life and "professional" life continues.

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