I've been reading the new Wolverine and the X-Men comic that resulted from the team "Schism." Now, it doesn't take a marketing genius to know that the split of the 500+ issue series Uncanny X-Men into two new series (a new Uncanny X-Men series and a Wolverine and the X-Men series) was just an excuse to increase sales because X-Men-related comics are the biggest sellers. I guess DC was offering more Batman monthly titles and Marvel had to find a way to compete.
Naturally, I'm one of the gullible souls who was reading only the original Uncanny X-Men (no X-Men Legacy, Astonishing X-Men, or even just X-Men) but now have been purchasing Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men at $3.99 each, so they got me for an extra $4 per month. And lately, they've been releasing each comic twice monthly, so they're making an extra $12 from me every month.

The extra money spent wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the awful product I'm getting in return. I'm speaking specifically of Wolverine and the X-Men, which should really be retitled as The Silly X-Men. Yes, Wolverine does appear in the comic (although seriously, what comic doesn't Wolverine currently appear in?). However, it's primarily about a bunch of young silly mutants that I don't even know or care to know. Quentin Quire? Who the hell is he? Isn't he the oversexed dude on Family Guy? Oh, no, wait. My bad. He's a stupid punk-ass kid with pink hair, a la Perez Hilton. Or, as I like to refer to him, the Danny Chase of the X-Men. (See: When the New Teen Titans Went South.)
I liked the concept of the "Schism" storyline wherein Cyclops would lead a team of X-Men off the coast of San Francisco on Utopia and Wolverine would start up a new school in Westchester, NY. I also liked that Wolverine and the X-Men promised to feature Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, and the Beast teaching at the new Jean Grey School. Sadly, we barely get glimpses of Kitty Pryde, Beast, or even Wolverine (!). We mostly see these younger X-Men in training. And they're not even the good Young X-Men. Where are the characters from the Young X-Men short-lived series? Dust? Anole? Graymalkin? These characters had depth and personality. The current motley crew consist of a bunch of whiny, annoying brats whose names I don't even know.
So, Marvel, I'm taking my $4 (or $8) and putting it toward the new Astonishing X-Men. With Marjorie Liu scripting and Northstar making headlines, it's bound to be the better pick.