Back in the 80s, I read the Secret Wars limited series and freakin' loved it. It was so exciting and so many exciting things came out of it: Spider-Man got his black symbiote costume, The Thing stayed behind on Battleworld and got his own series, She-Hulk joined the Fantastic Four, etc. Not only was the series unique and interesting, but Secret Wars action figures came out of it. There were characters I had never had or seen before to play with! Yes, they were pretty cheaply made with no points of articulation, but still it felt revolutionary.
A couple of years later came Secret Wars II, which was just plain farcical with the Beyonder in his white Miami Vice leisure suit. After the most recent shitty Marvel event series, AXIS, I was really looking forward to the new Secret Wars series. I finally read Secret Wars #1 (2015) and all I have to say is, "Huh?" What the fuck was that? Seriously. What the fuck was that? I don't even know what the hell happened. It felt like I was picked up and plopped down in the middle of something going on -- a battle of some sorts on Earth -- and I'm supposed to enjoy that and follow along? Did I miss the introduction? This was the first issue, correct? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It was written by Jonathan Hickman after all, who has previously turned me away from his storytelling on Fantastic Four and the Avengers. There's no character development. No character interaction. No enjoyable/followable plot. It's just battle after battle after pointless battle, like watching Man of Steel on repeat. And while his comics always have more word balloons than most comics, they don't really say anything. The dialogue doesn't feel real or seem to come naturally to the characters speaking it. The characters are always telling what is happening, when the pages should naturally just "show" it without explanation and the extraneous wording. After reading the latest Secret Wars #1, I can only guess that the rest of the series will be equally boring and pointless, much like every Marvel event series that has recently preceded it. Wake me when the Marvel Universe is over.
Issue #21 was finally released in April 2015, five months after #20. And there were several lapses in the comics prior to that. Now instead of releasing (forever delayed) #22, Marvel Comics goes ahead and releases an "All-New" Hawkeye series? FAIL. Who hires these bozos? You can't meet a deadline? Writer? Artist? Editor? Etc.? Did Kevin Smith write this book? Hello? Anyone home?
Tell ya what, Marvel, you can keep Hawkeye #22. My collection ended with #21.
With the Avengers movies riding a huge financial wave, you'd think they'd want to capitalize on one of the main characters by producing a consistent series. By the way, it also helps that when you have a Hawkeye comic, that you include that superhero (the Clint Barton version) instead of focusing on the "other" (lame) Hawkeye (Kate Bishop). And just why can't she get her own moniker anyway? So, Marvel, you can keep All-New Hawkeye, too, because I'm not buying into it when you can't even include the main character in his own book.
I've always loved Hawkeye and was a HUGE fan of him during the West Coast Avengers days, so I was excited when he was included in the silver screen version of the Avengers and got his own series. Sadly, while Marvel Studios seems to know what to do with Hawkeye, it seems Marvel Comics doesn't.