Thursday, February 17, 2011

Axing the Age of X

I just finished reading Marvel Comics' Age of X: Alpha one-shot that leads into the "next big event" for Marvel Comics' mutants and all I have to say is, "Huh?"  It's like another Ultimates or M2 title where Marvel Comics characters are the same or similar but living different lives in a parallel universe.  They're in some war-torn, end of the world-like existence.  I was so unimpressed, bored, and confused that I can't even pull together the words to express how unimpressed, bored, and confused I was.  Perhaps Marvel Comics says it best:

"Our goal with the six monthly chapters of Age of X...has been to throw the reader right in at the deep end; to present an incredible and inexplicable situation without really explaining it, and then to make the unraveling of that explanation proceed alongside the events of the series.  No exposition up front: you just have to roll with it while the extraordinary events that created the Age of X are graduated unveiled.", thanks.  I'll pass.  This swimmer is getting out of the deep end and going to the the beach.  Thanks for saving me money, though, Marvel.


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