Friday, July 2, 2010

Superman Turns 700

Superman reached his 700th issue last week, following Batman's disappointing 700th the week before.  Ironically, Batman started in 1940 while Superman started in 1939.

Superman's milestone was much better than Batman's.  Both issues contained a few short stories starring the title character, but Superman's was tied to current storylines or past history, whereas Batman's were just random bullshit.  In fact, Superman #700 contained a story that teamed him up with the original Robin, Batman's former partner, in a story set back in time.  Batman/Bruce Wayne appeared briefly and his appearance here was still better than the stories from his own 700th issue.  It provided a fun reading, seeing Superman play the adult mentor to the teenage Robin.  This was my favorite story of the three; however, it was more of a story for Robin than Superman.  I love the original Robin, though, so I was content.

Another story within the issue focused on Superman's reunion with his wife, Lois Lane, after the events from the "War of the Supermen" and "New Krypton" sagas that have run in all of the Superman books over the past couple of years.   I appreciated being let into Superman's personal life, as it's something that we haven't had a glimpse of in quite some time.  It made him -- for lack of a better term -- "human."  (Although hearing Superman and Lois confess their love to one another over and over again got a bit redundant.)

The third and final story within Superman #700 lays the groundwork for the upcoming "Grounded" storyline that will see Superman walking across the U.S. from Philadelphia to Seattle, stopping at cities and small towns in between, so he can reconnect with his fan base on their level.   I like that this will give Superman a more personal approach, but he can't be there to save people's everyday lives.  Hello!  He's not Sup-- Well, I guess he is.  But still...

So, while $4.99 seems a little steep for what we got, it was money better spent than Batman #700.  It didn't suck.

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